Ruby Institute

Ruby Institute

Located in the vibrant heart of Melbourne's Central Business District, the Ruby Institute is dedicated to providing high-quality education and training to help students achieve their professional and personal goals. We offer a wide range of nationally recognized courses in fields such as English language, marketing and communication, and leadership and management.

Lonsdale Institute

Lonsdale Institute

# English language school and vocational skill-based training
# Located in the heart of the city
# Innovative educator
# Partnership with RMIT

Universal English College

Universal English College

#General English, IELTS Preparation, and Academic English
#Expert teaching staff
#Comprehensive support for international students

Langports Language School

Langports Language School


Imagine Education Australia

Imagine Education Australia


English Language Company

English Language Company


Lexis English

Lexis English

SACE College of English

SACE College of English


Inforum Education Australia

Inforum Education Australia


Cairns College of English & Business (CCEB)

Cairns College of English & Business (CCEB)


Navitas English

Navitas English


English Unlimited

English Unlimited

# Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Manly Beach and Adelaide
# Since 1993
# To Inspire Social Entrepreneurship in Education.

Browns English Language School

Browns English Language School

# Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne
# Since 2004
# Browns Passport is designed to target your areas for improvement

Discover English

Discover English

# Melbourne
# Since 2010
# One of Australia's premier English language colleges

Shafston International College

Shafston International College

# Since 1996
# Completed faculty
# Part of the International House World Organisation (IHWO)

Greenwich English College

Greenwich English College

# Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast
# Since 2015
# The largest Cambridge English training institution in Australia

Sun Pacific College

Sun Pacific College

# The only language school in Australia with on-campus dormitories and student restaurants
# General English, Cambridge Exam Preparation, Holiday Junior Program, Study Tour Program
# Intake Every week

International House

International House

# Sydney, Melbourne, Darwin, Byron Bay, Gold Coast, Adelaide, Bondi
# Part of the International House World Organisation (IHWO)
# Since 1997

Impact English College

Impact English College

# Melbourne & Brisbane Campuses
# Since 2008
# Award Winning school

ILSC Language School

ILSC Language School


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